Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Fresh Start...

Welcome to Getting Personal!
  A new start is in the air and Fall is just around the corner!  Jump into one of my classes, and feel like you are on your way to a healthier you.  Here is a sample of my schedule.  Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you.

Monday 5pm willPower & grace (Forever Fit)
Tuesday 11am Fit Club (Biddeford Community Center Gym)
Tuesday 5pm MVe Chair (Forever Fit)
Tuesday 6pm Running Club 10K Training (Forever Fit)
Wednesday 7:30am willPower & grace (Forever Fit)
Wednesday 5pm Zumba (Biddeford Community Center Auditorium)
Thursday 11am Fit Club (Biddeford Community Center Gym)
Thursday 5pm Reformer (Forever Fit)
Thursday 6pm Running Club 5K Training (Forever Fit)
Saturday 8am Zumba (Biddeford Community Center Auditorium)
Saturday 9am Mat Pilates (Biddeford Community Center Auditorium)

* I have something for EVERYONE!!


  1. Thanks for the update on classes. Here's a question for you. What do you suggest to keep someone on a fitness track when the average person tries it for a few days and quits?

  2. The first step would be to START SLOW! Whether you are taking a class or working with a trainer, you cannot expect to be an Olympian in just one week. Your body will hate you, and you will find many reasons to give up! Choose one or two classes that you know you can commit to every week, and schedule them in your calendar. Just like you plan a lunch date or a hair appointment, you need to plan out your exercise. If it is not a priority you will find an excuse not to go to a class or get outside for a walk.

    That brings me to the next subject... STOP MAKING EXCUSES. You are just as important as everyone else in your family and need to make time for YOU. If you are not happy and healthy then it is going to be difficult to be that wonderful mom, dad, wife, husband, daughter etc. that you should be. No excuses!

    Another helpful tip would be to form a support system or tell someone else what your goals are. If you tell someone, you will feel guilty if those goals are never met. Exercising with a friend is great, but make sure you find someone that is motivated and has clear goals (like you.) Most importantly... Give exercise a chance... It could change your life forever! It changes mine everyday!

    For a free fitness consultation email me at!
