Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sweat Away Holiday Stress
By Mandy Greene
The holidays are right around the corner, and as you know a big part of the season is friends, family, food and STRESS.  It is unavoidable, but you can certainly take a look at how to deal with and how to reduce unwanted tension.  A great way to reduce holiday stress is by sweating it away!  Physical activity is a proven way to minimize stress.
Why?  Exercise decreases stress hormones, like cortisol, and increases endorphins.  Endorphins are your body’s natural mood boosters!  Another benefit is exercise promotes change.  Typically when you exercise you go outdoors or to a gym, which takes you away from your stressful environment and places you in a more relaxing setting.  Not only does exercise get you to change your scenery, but often times it changes your appearance.  You can lose weight and tone up leading to a better sense of self and body image.  When you feel better about yourself you are likely to be more social, which is another stress reliever.  
How do you find time to exercise, and how can you stay motivated?  These are common questions that I hear on a regular basis.  Here are a few helpful tips...  If you are usually the one doing the party planning, change it up this year.  Plan a holiday party around an activity such as sledding or ice skating.  Organize a family hike or neighborhood walk after the Thanksgiving feast.  Since this is a busy time of year, and there is a lot of planning to be done... Plan your exercise.  Put it right in your calendar so you have no excuses.  Make an appointment with yourself.  You could also start a new class or meet with a trainer for the five most stressful weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years.  Wouldn’t it be nice to feel fabulous instead of frumpy when the clock strikes midnight?!  If a class or a trainer still doesn’t fit into your schedule, buy a pedometer and make sure you take 10,000 step per day.  This way you can count working, shopping and running around preparing for holiday parties as exercise.  
Some other great activities that help with stress are yoga, pilates, karate, swimming, walking and running to name a few.  Yoga and pilates connect your mind and body bringing you into a meditative state.  Karate helps to release frustrations and develops self discipline.  Along with the fitness benefits of swimming, the water itself has a soothing benefit that can help you to calm down and relax.  Walking and running are social activities that can be done anywhere at anytime.  These are just a few examples, but any type of movement will do the trick.
So here’s my challenge to you...Sweat five times per week during the five most stressful weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years.  Let’s head into 2012 feeling great instead of waiting until 2012 to get fit!.  Here's a ten minute workout that is guaranteed to make you sweat, or simply give us a call and get signed up with a trainer or take a class. 
Sweat Away Holiday Stress 10 minute Challenge

Jump rope for 1 minute, Squat for 1 minute, Jump rope for 1 minute, Plank for 1 minute, Jump rope for 1 minute, Criss cross abs for 1 minute, Jump rope for 1 minute, Tricep dips for 1 minute, Jump rope for 1 minute, and march in place for 1 minute to cool down.  Don’t forget to stretch!  

Forever Fit 
116 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005

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